After you have created your collections, you must add some slides to them.  A slide is basically an image, which has a title, an optional description and optional URL for link (those last two for Shackslides compatibility).

Accesing the menu

You can go to the Slides Manager by clicking on Slides on JS Visionary menu (in Components).  Or if you are already in Visionary options, you can select Slides from the upper menu.

Creating a new slide

You can create a new slide from the Slides Manager by clicking New.

Then you will get the Slide editor as follows:



You can set a title for your slide (for your administrative purposes).

Choose a collection for your slide

You can choose the collection to which your slide will belong.


Lets you choose an image for your slide.  When clicking on Image you will get the Joomla media manager, where you can upload files and select one for this particular slide.

It's highly recommended that you use images with the same dimensions in a particular collection, specially if you are using them for Shackslides.

Slide Description

This is a Joomla editor where you can put all the content you want to have as the description of your slide.  This specifically matches the Shackslides description.  For full-size slideshows, the description does not apply.


In Shackslides, your image can be linked to a specific URL, which can be set here.  Remember to include https:// before your site, so your link will work correctly.  For full-size slideshows, the description does not apply.

Managing / Editing a Slide

When in the Slide Manager, you can manage the slides in there as you usually do with any Joomla default content, like publish/unpublish slides, deleting, etc.  For editing a slide (and returning to the previous slide editor) you can click the name of the desired slide.

If you want to edit (or apply any bulk action like publish/unpublish), you must check the slide(s) you want to delete, and then hit on the Delete button on the toolbar.

Slide Mass Upload

You can mass upload slides by clicking the Mass Upload option from the Slide Manager.


From there, you can select the slider in which you want to put your slides, and use the editor to select the images.  The editor is HTML5 compatible which means that your browser must be HTML5 compatible (any modern and serious browser is) to have the ability of select multiple images.  When you're done selecting the images, you can hit Save and Close and the images will get added to your editor with a generic title.  You can then edit each slide for a proper title, description and URL (if needed).